Wednesday 3 October 2012

Keep your hat on!

My Dad is always unveiling hidden gems that he has collected during his life time, but these caught my eye in particular!
They are Victorian hat pins, in almost perfect condition! They are so beautiful and ornate (and as I found out very sharp!)

It got me thinking, if the pins were this beautiful, what did the hats look like!!? I wish it was still socially acceptable to wear such finery on a daily basis! I think I was born in the wrong time!

What time period do you like the fashions of, and why?!


Monday 27 August 2012


If you too are on Instagram, follow me for more pictures and updates! :)

Peace out.

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Sunday 26 August 2012

What did you do this year?

Since we last spoke I have graduated from my Fashion Degree (yay!) it has been a tough year, but it was worth it! Here are a few images of my third year collection, let me know what you think!!

In this last one, I'm wearing high heels, my models are barefoot . . . . .

Wednesday 7 September 2011

1920's Library!

So I thought I would share with you my mini 1920's Library! I had them scattered about my flat and didn't quite realise how many books I had till I put them all together! with all of my other research I think I may have enough to fill about three sketchbooks!! Whoops! However I am very exited to start looking through it all and pulling things that inspire me to put in my sketch book! I have plenty to choose from!

Tuesday 23 August 2011


The very lady who inspires me and in turn inspires this blog, has started her own blog, which I insist you take a look at ASAP!

She is embarking on a three year fashion degree this September so she will have plenty of things to share with you! enjoy!

Monday 8 August 2011

The Hat Lady

I have come across a lovely old album that my mum brought in a charity shop about 25 years ago. It is dated from 1905, and is full of little extracts and messages from the owners friends. It also has a selection of paintings in it, done straight onto the page by several different artists, I guess as a gift to the owner. The one that caught my eye was the illustration of the lady in the huge hat! It is done in such a modern style and has been preserved perfectly! It is such a shame that this was not from the twenties, it would have been perfect for my research!

Tuesday 2 August 2011

Edward McKnight Kauffer

In my journey of researching the 1920's I have come across the wonderful work of Edward McKnight Kauffer. He was an american artist who was most famous for his striking posters during the 20's, Which were mainly for the London underground. Although it has been said that the posters Kauffer designed were so intelligent and eye-catching that they would have equal rights if displayed at any reputable art gallery instead of on an Underground wall. What do you think?